Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Prove that You Want It-(what you asking God for)...

We forever wanting something.  We can't help it.  It's a human thing.. :)

Are you asking God for a good man or a good woman?
Are you asking God for healing of your body?
Are you asking God for peace in your life instead of all the stress?

What if I shared with you a way to have a life full of peace, love, and a sound mind? 

There is only one way...God's way of doing things.  God's will for our lives.  What if we pay attention and be lead by the Holy Spirit?  Oh, how much better would our lives be!

I stumbled across this verse today:
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."
Romans 8:1 KJV
This is not about going after what we want in the flesh, but being led by the Spirit.  We all have desires but does it line up with what God wants for us.  God, Our Father, of all things love, safe, and sacred.  All blessings flow through God.  Everything our soul aches for is there waiting for God to bless, but not in the way we think we want it.  God's thoughts are above our own.  God is a good God who loves us and wants the best for all His children-that means you too!  Oh how much better our lives would be! :)

Proving that you want what you say you want is about BECOMING what you are trying to attract.  

I want a better body, but am I eating healthier?  I want a forever husband, but am I treating him right...am I working to be a better me?  I want a Mercedes CLA but am I focused to work my businesses?  I want a center for women and one for youth, but am I being led by the Spirit with my visions?

I guess you could look at "flesh" in the scriptures as the body.  I even thought the flesh meant denying the sexual desire of your body or where the desires of the body could lead you.   As I try to grow more spiritually, I realize that the "flesh" could be your mind, feelings, and emotions that are not Spiritual.  That desire to do what you want to do and how you want to do it at any costs.  Most of the times those costs totally IGNORE what God is speaking to us through the Holy Spirit.

The only problem with that is we KEEP ENDING UP WITH THE SAME RESULTS.
Different people, same results.  Different career, same results.  Different banks, same amounts.  There is something wrong here...

I have to PROVE to God that I want what I say I want. 

One thing I have learned in my 41 years of living is that the flesh always want you to do the immediate action with the immediate gratification no matter how wrong it is.  If I'm mad you deserve to get cussed out.  If you cheated on me, you deserve to get cheated back on.  If this job only paying me $6.00 an hour, they don't deserve my excellence.  That's flesh talk!

We have to prove to God that we want what we say we want...no matter what it looks like!

How do you achieve that goal? How do you do things God's way to get better results in life...by walking in the Spirit!  Oh how much better our lives would be!

It's not easy all the time.  It doesn't give you immediate gratification.  Does anything in life that gives immediate gratification lasts?  Being lead by the Spirit can confuse you only because you want to do what you want to do-so you argue with where the Spirit is leading you.

Don't get me wrong, I'm guilty of it too.  The thing is that our lives should be more Spirit led than flesh led.  We have to get back in balance of that to get what we truly want out of life.

Are you down to start denying your flesh, be led by the Spirit, and grab some real, forever lasting love and peace in your life?  Let's Go!

1.  Spend more time renewing your mind than anything else.   I constantly have some type of music, messages, or books in heavy rotation to keep me uplifted with hope.  You gain so much wisdom that way but you also feed your soul some good stuff.  A good tree bears some good fruit.  Work on watering your roots with some good stuff.
2.  Spend time reading some Word.  It can be one verse to start off with or many Chapters.  Just get to feeding your soul with some good stuff instead of all the drama of negativity of your life or TV.
3. Give more love, receive more love.  Give more of what you want.  Be a more peaceful person and get more peace in your life.  It's a natural reaction and you will literally be shocked at how powerful this is! 

4.  Don't forget to listen to that small, still voice on the inside.  That leading, that pulling, the drive to go a certain direction that lines up with God's Word-that's it!  God's word will not lead you to do things that are wrong, injust, and evil...that ain't God.  This verse is PERFECT FOR HELPING YOU IN THIS AREA:  "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8 KJV

It's a rainy day here in my hood, so I just love relaxing music.  So today let's jam to some Najee in "Paseo Nuevo."  I love this track!  Don't forget to support your favorite artists on itunes so they can keep bringing us their awesome gift! P.S. I looked up those words online and paseo means "a path set aside for walking," and nuevo means "new." Perfect!

Did you enjoy this post?  Why don't you join the mailing list!  I will personally send you some hope weekly!  You can join by entering your info in the box in the top right of this blog! 

Like and share this with your crew, it may bless them too!

Much love,


Monday, April 6, 2015

"Must Be The Money" Dieon Sanders Hit Song & Judas Death?

I couldn't help but put Dieon's hit song and Judas Death in the same blog.  So what is the connection?

Have you ever taken something or did something for the money?
Have you ever dated someone for the money?
Have you ever gave it up for the money?
Have you ever paid to get some for the money?

You get it..."It must be the money."

Before you click out of here from shame or guilt, STAY with me to the end.  I am not the condemnation type.  Anyone who knows me or been reading my stuff for a minute knows I don't roll like that.


At the same time, I am here to CHALLENGE you to your higher self.  I am here to challenge you to be excellent like you already are no matter how much dirt you working with.  Believe me, I know all about the dirt.  It's hard to wipe clean.  It's hard to overcome.  Especially when you KNOW you are so wrong, but you do it anyway (and sometimes multiple times!)

So, here comes Judas.  I felt convicted to read the story of Jesus Death and how HE rose again with Easter passing by.  So today, I sat down and to listen to the audio scriptures and read along.  Then it happened...I finally know what happened to Judas! 

To those who may not know, Judas was one of Jesus' disciples.  He followed Him, honored Him, and supported His movement.  It would be fair to say that Judas believed that Jesus is the Son of God and was sent by God since he rolled with 11 other disciples who believed too.  Jesus Christ only had a select few of 12 that He chose to disciple.  Hmmm...I wonder in today's time would that be something like a Senior Pastor and Associate Pastors.  I might have to check on that!

It was coming near for Jesus to be crucified.  Jesus already predicted His death and the Scriptures even show how even JESUS had a heavy heart about it.  So he took Peter (another disciple) and two others with Him to pray about it.  Let's grab some word...

38 Then he said to them, My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me. 39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”
Matthew 26:38-39 NIV (Jesus speaking in red font)

As the story progresses, I'm like oh my goodness!  Jesus is walking into the most horrible death and He knows it's coming!  Have you ever had to walk the hardest walk of your life, and you knew it was coming???

Would you still trust God?  Would you still say like Jesus that your will be done and not mine?

As I read on, I see that Judas betrayed JESUS by telling the chief priests where and who Jesus was.  The chief priests wanted Him dead...and for nothing but the only crime of helping others and sharing the gospel of Father God!

So Guess what Judas sold out his boy JESUS for? 
The MONEY.  "It must be the money."

Thirty pieces of silver to be exact.  After the covenant agreement of the money for Jesus the Bible says this... 

16 And from that time he sought opportunity to betray him. Matthew 26:16 KJV
The money had Judas so gone that he "sought the opportunity" to betray him.  That tells me that Judas was looking for any chance he could get to capture his friend and his teacher.  That's not it!

Once they captured Jesus, and Judas saw him condemened, Judas was overcome with emotions of remorse!  He returned the money to the chief priests and elders and repented for betraying his friend.  Lemme get some more Word, this is going to TRIP you out...

When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders. “I have sinned,” he said, “for I have betrayed innocent blood.”
“What is that to us?” they replied. “That’s your responsibility.”
So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.
What??? He hung himself!  You thought Judas would be happy with the money, but it was the exact opposite.  The shock of him hanging himself was enough, but what MOVED my Spirit to write about this...not now...but right now...is the fact that chief priests and elders (who paid Judas in the first place) did NOT even Care!  They didn't care about him repenting.  They didn't care about his remorse.  They didn't care that He turned in a friend who was innocent.  They could care less!

The money was no longer something Judas could live with and I could tell at that point he didn't even care anymore.  That stirred up my Spirit...

"Whenever you exchange gain with evil, don't expect it to be blessed." Andrea Williams

You may feel blessed for a hot, temporary moment.  Oh, but the time is coming when you are faced with the remorse of what have I done?

You have not done anything that is so bad that will seperate you from the LOVE of Christ.  That is good news!  I have personally had a "remorse moment" of what have I done?  But God's great grace came in and SAVED me.  The Blood that Jesus shed that day came in and SAVED me.  The Blood of Jesus and God's Grace is saving you!

There is no Sinner Left Behind!

That's why I love this photo so much because it looks like Jesus is coming back to pick us up---the lost sheep! 

The only catch is that you have to want it.  You have to seek Him.  Your desire to know Jesus and trust Jesus is it...not how much you do (because you can't earn his love or grace).   You can't pay for it.  Jesus won't force it on you either, you have to want to draw closer to know Him.

Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. James 4:8 NIV

Don't say you trust Him and you don't.  Don't say you believe and keep speaking doubt.  Don't say you submit it all and as soon as trouble arises you forsake it.  Even if you have done this in the past, get back on track.  We have all had our faith shaken to the core at some point and time, God understands that.  Just get back on track and start trusting again.  Just repent and keep it moving.

Just wash your hands. :)

Well, I have shared some good news with you today my friends!  I have to go before the kids tear up the house. :)  Don't worry about yesterday...go forth with good intentions again today.  Don't let the LOVE of money consume your thoughts and take over your heart.  

1. Purify your hearts.  If you get off track, get back on the path.  If you feel lost, ask God to guide you.  If you been riding dirty for so long and don't know how, ask God to give you strength and expose you to new ways to follow Him. 
2.  Don't be double-minded.  Stop flip flopping with your faith.  Stand on the Word of God for your life.  I am so learning this one! 
3.  Money creates better experiences but it ain't got nothing to do with love.  So pray for the wisdom of God to be made fresh in your life.  Pray for the strength to do things God's way.  Before you know it, things will start to get a little easier with that money hustle.  Then the doors will start opening for you to hustle the money the right way and your heart will be in the right place.
4.  It ain't easy to change but God got you!  You landing on this page didn't you? :)  I'm here to stir up the desire to love God and use money for you and me!

I have heard Dieon Sanders beautiful testimony of how He gave His life over to Christ.   Our world is a money hungry world and we live in it.  I want it.  We want it.  We want to be "Successful."  We just need the right motives of serving instead of hoarding it for us.  So today's track is Drake in "Successful" the instrumental version.

Much love and dollar bills yall,


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The BLOOD is Still Working and Healing Your Pain of Molestation & Rape

"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me." John 14:3 KJV

Have you ever been molested or raped?  It doesn't matter if you male or female, the pain is still so real for both.  

How many times did it occur in your life?  Did you know that person or person(s)?

Who on Earth wants to answer those type of questions about their life?  

But dear heart, you have to answer those questions.  Your Story.  Your Testimony.  Can't nobody tell it like you.  In fact you are courageous in this moment right now to even show up to a blog post like this one.  

The reason why I wanted you to look at those questions and answer them honestly is because you have been in a Fight...and it is literally the fight of your lifetime!

The Painful Memories vs. Your Awesome Future

One of the oldest tricks of the enemy is to keep you distracted to keep your from getting to your future.  The future is always better than your past.  The enemy don't want you to get what God has for you, so he reminds you of the pain.  The enemy ties up the emotions that he knows will HURT you the most to use them against you.  He doesn't fight fair because he is a devourer.  He is a coward. A thief. He is a nobody compared to the living Jesus that lives on the inside of you.

The most cowardly way to do this is tie up your mind, emotions, and break your heart even more from them memories.  The enemy wants to keep robbing you from having a healthy sex life, experience real love, and destroy your trust in mankind.

You wrestle with the fact that maybe they got away with it and they went on living their life.  You wrestle with the fact of why evil had to come your way and take advantage of you.  You wrestle with the fact with why your innocence was taken, why your trust was destroyed, and even worse why your faith has been tested to the breaking point.  

The devil is a lie. 


What does redeem mean?  I looked it up on google...

1. compensate for the faults or bad aspects of (something).
2. gain or regain possession of (something) in exchange for payment.

WOW!  JESUS paid it all to gain possession of you.  That's how much HE LOVES YOU!
So even when bad things happen, the Blood that was shed STILL has the power to heal all your wounds-physically, mentally, and spiritually.  It still works.  The Blood still has power.  

NO evil deed is any match for the Healing Power of The Blood of JESUS. 

We live in a fallen world.  Some people pervert it so much that it's sick and evil.  We can't comprehend how one can do anything like that but that's because we have a heart not to do that.  So we won't ever understand why people think they have the right to violate another person.  

But we are armed with the most Victorious Tools of all the world. 
  • The Blood of Jesus-who freely died for YOU and ME
  • A Redeemer Who Still Lives and LOVES You and Me
  • Therapists, Pastors, and Support Groups because iron sharpens iron.  We all need help sometimes.  
  • Scripture that could literally change our lives by the POWER in the Word
 I could go on and on...you have to know that you ARE victorious.  You are walking in victory right now as we speak.  You are more than a conqueror.  You been through all that and you are still here!  GOD is not finished with you.  You still have work to do.  You still are precious in His Sight.  You are a Creation of the Most High God.  God makes no mistakes with His creations.  God has an awesome plan for your life.  Your best days are still ahead of you.  Your heart is redeemed.  You have been renewed.  You have been restored.  The pain of the past will NOT have you in bondage.  You love freely.  You make love to the one God created for you to be with.  You have joy within your soul.  You have peace of mind.  You carry no shame from your past.  All things are work together for the good.  Your story is a testimony that will free others.  Your pain is not in vain.  No tear is ever wasted.  All things are working for the good.  Thank God for the Blood.  You praise God because you have breakthrough.  God has an awesome future for you.  Don't you give up! 
Thank you Jesus for healing everyone reading this right now.  Thank you for giving them freedom from the painful memories.  Thank you Jesus for the freedom to love.  Thank you Jesus for the freedom to trust love again.  Thank you Jesus for the Healing that is taking place right now!  You better PRAISE HIM!!!

My favorite verse ever that is a Spoken Word for YOU!
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

1.  Get professional help if needed.  Ain't nothing wrong with help.  Even professionals need help on some things.  We all need help sometimes.  
2.  Get in your secret place and get in the presence of God.  This is SO powerful!  It can be a closet, the bathroom, or the bedroom...just invite His presence and watch how God speaks to your heart.
3.  Tell your story.  If you don't do it publicly, tell it to someone you know that been through what you been through.  Journal, journal, and journal so more.  It is truly therapy.
4.  Make declarations over your life DAILY.  Speak them out.  Believe.  Have Faith.  
5.  Grab some scriptures that speak to your situation.  All you have to do is Google it and so many will come up for that particular situation you are seeking God for.

"The Blood" ft. Zacardi Cortez - James Fortune & FIYA Live  Watch out now this video is super anointed! lol  Can't help but shout on this one.  Don't forget to support our artists for giving their all to us by picking up their work on itunes.

Much love, 


P.s. Let me know that you are more than a conqueror in the comments below!  Or you can write me with your testimony at christianenvelope@gmail.com

I am more than a conqueror! :)


Tuesday, March 31, 2015


"Depression knows no name, race, or gender...it shows up slowly and stays too long." Andrea  Williams

Life has it challenges.  It trials and tribulations.  I remember several years ago thinking if only I gave myself to the Lord the problems of life would somehow cease to exist.  Maybe that would be the answer to any pain I would experience.  Maybe if I gave it all over to the Lord like the Preacher said that it would wipe away all the sins of my past (and even the sins I can't seem to stop leaving alone).

They were right...it wiped them away.  But, the problems, shame, pains, and issues of my life didn't stop.

I know Saints stay with me, I'm going somewhere with this one.

So when you go through something EXTRA hard, you begin to think stupid, irrational thoughts.  My moment--while I actually had more than one--seems to come around when divorce happens.  I don't know what it is about the death of a family hurts me like crazy.  I can grieve the death of loved ones, because I know they are going to be with the Lord.  But the separation and divorce trials I guess is the upset trigger for me.  

So much so that suicidal thoughts crossed my mind...

Where am I going to go?  How am I going to handle this now?  How did I fail this marriage?  Why I love someone that I can't stand now?  You go through all these emotions and you still have to work, be Mommy, and keep your head on straight while going through the most emotional rollercoaster on a DAILY basis.  Trying to be strong and hold it in is a dangerous place to be emotionally.

The major factor for even thinking those thoughts were the loss of my husband and family unit as I believed it to be.  The loss of love that I thought I had forever.  The pain of trials and tribulations.  In some odd way, the loss of my identity.  Total overwhelm where I thought I wasn't strong enough to handle it.  It's just too much.  "Just pass me over...till my Savior Comes."  Lyrics from Anthony Hamilton in "Pass Me Over."

But God. :)

You are NOT promised a life that won't have problems, trials and tribulations, and let's face it fire that burns so that you want to escape it all.  You don't escape sin at all times because you are now saved and forgiven.  That's almost like saying I'm a believer now, so I will kick my feet up and enjoy life.

Even Jesus suffered, was persecuted, tempted, faced rejection from people who He loved and even people who didn't even know Him!  Jesus performed miracles and was doubted that He was the Savior.  Jesus had to lead people who was deep in sin and loved it there.  Jesus went hungry while fasting 40 days that would sure to tempt His flesh.  Talk about overwhelm!  Lemme grab some Scripture...

After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.

The tempter came to him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread."
Matthew 4:2-3NIV

The more I read this Chapter of Matthew, the more I realize that the key is that God is WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES...even in the fire of life.  I began to realize that I am forgiven, but it keeps me HUMBLE before the Lord.   It reminds me that I can't do this on my own and I don't want to do life on my own.  Giving your life over to God gives you the grace, love, and covering of forgiveness that you can't get from man or self.  It opens up a prayer line of intimacy of the Best Friend Ever!  You get the covering of the Lord who is your strong tower.  You get the covering of the Holy Spirit that leads you wisely.    Let's see how Jesus handles that temptation...

Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" Matthew 4:4 NIV

POWERFUL! :)  What if we rebuked every negative thought that entered our mind.  What if we kept standing in faith no matter how hard life gets like Jesus did.   What if we held on to that word and walked in it especially when we don't feel like it?  How different would your life be?  How beautiful would your life be?

Trust God with all aspects of your life.  Trust God with your hurt and pain even when you feel like you can no longer handle it.  You are meant to be here.  Your life is beauty to God-He created you!  Your life is NOT in vain.  God didn't create you because He had nothing else to do, HE WANTED YOU. :)  Hold on to that on the days you don't feel worthy enough.  Hold on to that when you feel like you are so far removed with your sin.  Hold on to the Word of God when you feel like you are overwhelmed, because from what I hear...

From what I know...God's Word doesn't return Void. :)

1.  Fire always Births Beauty.  God always trades beauty for ashes.  Here is some word: "To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified." Isaiah 61:3 KJV

God proved this to me by restoring our marriage to even better than it was before the fire.  I just look in awe.  I also have scars of pain.  But the joy overrides it all.  The oil of beauty gives me the joy I have been searching for the whole time. You learn things in the fire that you can't learn on your own.  I heard T.D. Jakes say that this morning and it's the truth times 10! :)
Your Action Step is to just TRUST the process even in the midst of it!  
Don't give up!  Don't shut down and build up the wall to resist love.  Don't run from God to escape because God wants to help you no matter how far gone you are.  It's not the end.  On the other side of the fire is beauty!  Get ready to see some beauty!

Actually two songs, one by Anthony Hamilton called "Pass Me Over," and another favorite Dru Hill in "Beauty."  Support our artists by purchasing your favorites!

See you Next time Under the Myrtle Tree!



Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Do you have some things in your life that you need to change?

Have you discovered yet the change is YOU.

I'm here to serve notice that the change is already within you.  You just have to shift your mindset...one speed at a time. :)

I was taking our boys to school this morning and the thoughts came to me...I  need to do better as a Mom.  The thought came to my mind that I may even be a bad Mom and before I could form that thought, I rebuked it. :)  I know for a fact that's NOT true.  But that doesn't mean that I don't have some things that I could improve on.

So the questions kept coming up last night and this morning...
Do I want to show my boys that it's ok to be late all the time?
Do I want to show them it's ok to quit and give up?
Do I want to show them to take their work and responsibilities of life lightly?
Do I want to show them defeat or strength?
Do I want to show them you start something and never follow through?

Notice the words used is :SHOW" because they are watching.   Things just got real. 

It's time for a change!

I know it.  It's time to make a consistent effort though.  Instantly,  the memories with my Dad came to mind.  Back when I was learning how to drive, he would teach me sometimes.  My Mom would teach me the automatic. Of course, I went to the famous Driver's Ed at school.  My parents were divorced at that time, so it was only one car when I visited him.  That car turned out to be a 5-Speed.

You mean to tell me I have to learn how to drive a 5 Speed Car???

Of course Dad made it look easy.   But I was intrigued by the sports car-similar to the one in the photo-the famous Nissan 300zx. :)  You would think it was precious because that car had a name. lol  

Driving a 5Speed car is so different.  It's intimidating because you don't know what you are doing.  You don't know if you are moving in the right direction.  You don't even know if you are in the right gear.

What do I do now???  You couldn't get a manual car???

My Dad still trained me.  You began to notice that the car lets you know when you are in the wrong gear.  You will hear the gears stripping!  After you do that a time or two you began to get better at it.  You start to listen to the engine.  You can tell when it's time to make the "SHIFT" to the next gear.  Whenever you are at a stand still you are in neutral and you know you can't stay there in life.  You only reverse when you have to...when you are backing out of the parking spot or the drive way...you can't stay there in life either.   You worry about rolling backwards when waiting for the light to change...you can't go back in life that way either.

You always have to be Moving FORWARD by SHIFTING THE GEARS.  That is the only way to move forward.

The most exciting part is to get up to the 5 speed gear.  You can go fast.  You can drive down the interstate and not have to shift again until it's time to "slow down."

So today it hit my Spirit that I'm a good Mom.  I just have to tweak some things.  You may always have to tweak some things.  I just have to change my mindset.  I have to shift my thinking.  Once I nurture the shift more, the better I will be.  The funny thing too is that is for EVERY area of your life.  I want to be better all the way around...a better wife, a better daughter, a better sister friend, a better entrepreneur.

So, I challenge you today to listen to your engine.  Is there a need for you to shift the gears?  Has God been showing you things when you "strip the gears?"  Have you been going the wrong way?  Are you looking back in "reverse" too much?  Are you stuck in the past or are you moving "forward?"  The most exciting part of life is moving forward! :)

It's ok if you find yourself lost.  It's ok if you messed up.  There is something you can do right now.  Get yourself back in alignment with the gears by shifting your mindset.

Me and the Updated 300zx!  I think this one was automatic though.

I must say that I learned how to drive the 300zx.  I am so thankful to God for that experience to learn how to drive the 5speed with my Dad.  It challenged me at a younger age to know I can do things that I may presume at first may be hard.  Things like wisdom teeth/root canals, a cancer scare, and childbirth naturally-twice! lol 

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philipians 4:13

You better hold on to that word!  It's priceless.  It never expires.

1.  Don't believe the negative thoughts that may cross your mind.  I heard in church once that "the enemy condemns, but God convicts."  That's powerful!  That's how you know the difference.  The enemy will make you think you are done and no good...it won't offer any ounce of hope that you can change.  The enemy will even try to convince you that God doesn't love you no more because you can't seem to "get it together in life."  But God. :)  He comes in and reminds you that He chastens the child to make them better.  God chastens the very one he loves!

"because the LORD corrects the person he loves, just as a father corrects the son he delights in." Proverbs 3:12  ISV

Let's get a little driving music going.  My Dad loves jazz music and so do I.  This is what I will be listening too when I'm driving my Mercedes Benz CLA and cruising down the interstate for a family trip.

Taylor McFerrin featuring Robert Glasper& Thundercat in "Already There"  Don't forget to support your favorite artists on itunes or your favorite retailer!

Much love from Under the Myrtle Tree,


Did this post bless your soul?  Why don't you join our mailing list so I can send you daily inspiration of love and hope.   It will be short and sweet.  It's easy to join...just enter your info in the box below and check you inbox!  Thank you and see you soon!

Monday, March 16, 2015


Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.[a]
Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV Source www.biblegateway.com

What's up peeps!  I miss you :)  I had to tell you about a song I heard this morning.  It has everything to do with the Scripture above.  It has everything to do with you finally letting go and giving all control over to God.  

The more I sang the chorus (I'm no singer but a praiser!:), the more the tears came to my eyes.  How powerful is that.  

"I will trust.  Trust in the Name Lord.  In the Name.  Trust in the Name of the Lord."

How many of us say that but find it harder to live out?

How many times we let stress and worry win?

Do you ever let confusion rob your joy?

How many times it looks like it won't work, but somehow and someway it always works out?

The vital key to doing that is Trusting in the Lord with all your heart and NOT leaning on your own understanding.  

It's not easy all the time.  It doesn't make sense many times, but that's called faith.  I love to hear Dr. Mike Murdock say "God's not moved by your tears, He's moved by your faith."  I think that's powerful, because it forces you to take having faith seriously.  It shows you how powerful faith is.  He even gave examples from Scripture.  The one that comes to my mind instantly is JESUS and the Disciples on the boat in the middle of the worst storm.  

The waves of the storm is crashing in threatening to drown them all.  The most surprising thing is Jesus is on the boat sleep while they are worrying with fear.  The disciples go to wake him saying:

 “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”

Jesus is such a man of faith.   A man of confidence that knows Father God is not a Man that He should lie.  Our God is a Good God that won't let you drown...but you have to have faith.  Jesus simply replies:

"Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm."

How powerful is that?  How can Jesus see these huge waves coming in to drown Him and His crew, and not be afraid?  How can Jesus say I trust the Father God who sent me but still not be a little afraid when these huge waves are about to swallow you up?  
Did you know that me and you have that same power because Jesus lives in us?

But you got to have Faith.  You have to "Trust in the Name of the Lord." :)   There is power in the Name!  We have to believe and Trust the Name of JESUS, We have to believe that Powerful Blood is still anointed to heal, restore, and cover anything that we may need.  Fear will come in life and so will worry and doubt, but keep the faith of the mustard seed.  

Trust that GOD has Everything Under Control.  HE has a plan for your life!  Nothing will be wasted-good or bad.  No mistake or bondage you may be wrestling with will separate you from the love of Christ.  What manner of man is this that loves us that much? :)

Turn it over to HIM and let Jesus walk with you.   It ALWAYS works out in the perfect timing and will of God.  You may see the storms, you may get soaked, you may feel the winds, you may cry, you may be in pain, but it ALWAYS works out.  The storm always provides a way of escape.  The storm always teaches you something.  The storm always elevates you in life and in faith.  The storm always works out for your good-you just can't see it yet.  You do have one order of business to tend to though-you have to Trust In HIS Name.  You just have to Trust in the Name of the Lord.  There is power in the Name!

1.  Call on the Name of Jesus!  Rebuke the winds of your life in the Name of Jesus.  Ask Jesus to shield you in the midst.  God's Grace is sufficient for thee. :)
2.  This only works for believers.  Stop saying you trust and you really don't mean it.  I have found out in my 41 years of living that you really find out how powerful faith & God is in the middle of the storm.  You will look back in awe of the goodness!  Trust and believe!
3.  Are you not a believer?  Do you want to know how to become a believer?  It's easy.  All you have to do is say this prayer. "Dear Jesus.  I repent of my sins.  Wash me clean.  Make me new.  I believe you died on the Cross for me to live in the goodness of your grace.  I believe you are my Lord and Savior.  In Jesus Name, Amen."  That's it!  You are a Born Again Believer! Go buy you a Bible.  Some churches or non-profits give them out for free.  There is also a site you can go to: biblegateway.com.  (Side Note: Website coming soon for beginning Christians.  Keep and eye out for it...I will post the links soon.)

My new favorite song!  Fred Hammond "I Will Trust"  Super Powerful!  Don't forget to purchase on itunes or your favorite retailer.

 Much Love Under the Myrtle Tree,


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Disconnected Life of Social Media, Jobs, and Relationships...

Oh how I remember these days!  That me in the white sweatshirt and puffy bangs. :)  

Over the last few days, I have been feeling some kind of way emotionally.  It has been subtle...creeping up on my heart to punch it with pain.

I look to my left and one son is on the cell phone.  I look to my right and one son is outside.  My hubby is at work.  I'm on the computer writing.  Then it hit me.  I have been alone, not because I have to, but maybe because of the isolation I ran into on my own.  You see I have an important goal-to find financial freedom that aligns with my purpose in life and show everybody with an ear to hear how to do the same for their lives.  It takes hours looking and learning it all, and then sprinkle some inspirational writing on top.  Inspiring others with hope is the most rewarding feeling ever but it drains you.  Maybe it's an excuse to stay isolated so I can focus.  I think sometimes that maybe I have been this way for so long that I don't know how to connect again.  But I have been sacrificing the very thing the human heart needs-connection.

What are YOU sacrificing for the hours of social media feeds, reality shows, social games, video games, cell phones, porn-even, and the host of other things out there to distract us-online and off?

Who do you miss talking too because text messaging and instant messaging took it's place?

What moments and people and places are you missing in life because everything is moving too fast?

We only seem to stop when someone dies or we get sick.  I'm just being honest.

There has got to be a better way.  I instantly thought of this photo of my family.  That is our Grandmother in the red (who has passed away), my Aunts, and my Cousin Kimberly Perry.  She was affectionately known to the world as Gramps.  I was tripping out on the memory of these times because it's simple entertainment-enjoying family.  There was a TV on in the front room of her house, but nobody was hardly watching it.  The action was around the kitchen table where laughs, sweet tea, great food, and the occasional Blue Bell ice cream would be served.

Gramps had this gift of bringing family together without all the drama-only love no matter what was before us.  It amazes me how we could all talk for HOURS about nothing.  The days were filled with stories and laughter.  If anyone was going through something-we all was going through it with them in love.  It was always comforting.  It was always inviting.  As soon as you hit the door you would see Gramps gracing an apron and the proudest smile for all of her children and grandchildren.  If I could just have half the Grace that she carried herself with I would be good.

I brought up that family story because I'm thankful to God for that upbringing.  I'm thankful to God for some of that old school, family time that didn't include social media.

Don't get me wrong-I love the access of the convenient social media. I watch a few reality shows too.  I'm just going to mix in a little more old school with it too.

I'm going to make an effort to CONNECT by disconnecting my devices.  I'm going to make an effort to connect more by reaching out more, listening to what people have to say.  I got to listen more to what my kids are saying and what they are not saying.  I have to take time to breathe in the air of nature.  I have to take time to look at the sunset more.  Take more time to kiss and savor the moments.   I have to take more time to gaze at the stars. 

I have to take time to celebrate the beauty within my own soul.  

I have to take more time to make sure I'm radiating out the love that I actually feel in my heart.  I have to take it one step at a time to walk in my own graceful living.

To each and every one of you reading this take time out for LOVE.  Take your time to ENJOY the blessings of the miracle of LIFE.  I enjoy listening to real wisdom.  Tyrese would say on his inspirational calls that:

 "it's arrogant to think the next second belongs to you."  by Tyrese.  So true!

You already know what you need to do.  Ask God to give you wisdom on how to balance it out and get rid of what you need to get rid of.

Stacy Barthe in "Flawed Beautiful Creatures" I absolutely Love this Song!  Go grab it on itunes or your favorite place.  She has some beautiful work out there.  I love the realness of lyrics and music.

I love you always,

 Did this blog post bless your heart?  Well, go ahead and share it with your peeps.  What steps are you going to take to make more time to enjoy your precious moments?