Monday, April 6, 2015

"Must Be The Money" Dieon Sanders Hit Song & Judas Death?

I couldn't help but put Dieon's hit song and Judas Death in the same blog.  So what is the connection?

Have you ever taken something or did something for the money?
Have you ever dated someone for the money?
Have you ever gave it up for the money?
Have you ever paid to get some for the money?

You get it..."It must be the money."

Before you click out of here from shame or guilt, STAY with me to the end.  I am not the condemnation type.  Anyone who knows me or been reading my stuff for a minute knows I don't roll like that.


At the same time, I am here to CHALLENGE you to your higher self.  I am here to challenge you to be excellent like you already are no matter how much dirt you working with.  Believe me, I know all about the dirt.  It's hard to wipe clean.  It's hard to overcome.  Especially when you KNOW you are so wrong, but you do it anyway (and sometimes multiple times!)

So, here comes Judas.  I felt convicted to read the story of Jesus Death and how HE rose again with Easter passing by.  So today, I sat down and to listen to the audio scriptures and read along.  Then it happened...I finally know what happened to Judas! 

To those who may not know, Judas was one of Jesus' disciples.  He followed Him, honored Him, and supported His movement.  It would be fair to say that Judas believed that Jesus is the Son of God and was sent by God since he rolled with 11 other disciples who believed too.  Jesus Christ only had a select few of 12 that He chose to disciple.  Hmmm...I wonder in today's time would that be something like a Senior Pastor and Associate Pastors.  I might have to check on that!

It was coming near for Jesus to be crucified.  Jesus already predicted His death and the Scriptures even show how even JESUS had a heavy heart about it.  So he took Peter (another disciple) and two others with Him to pray about it.  Let's grab some word...

38 Then he said to them, My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me. 39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”
Matthew 26:38-39 NIV (Jesus speaking in red font)

As the story progresses, I'm like oh my goodness!  Jesus is walking into the most horrible death and He knows it's coming!  Have you ever had to walk the hardest walk of your life, and you knew it was coming???

Would you still trust God?  Would you still say like Jesus that your will be done and not mine?

As I read on, I see that Judas betrayed JESUS by telling the chief priests where and who Jesus was.  The chief priests wanted Him dead...and for nothing but the only crime of helping others and sharing the gospel of Father God!

So Guess what Judas sold out his boy JESUS for? 
The MONEY.  "It must be the money."

Thirty pieces of silver to be exact.  After the covenant agreement of the money for Jesus the Bible says this... 

16 And from that time he sought opportunity to betray him. Matthew 26:16 KJV
The money had Judas so gone that he "sought the opportunity" to betray him.  That tells me that Judas was looking for any chance he could get to capture his friend and his teacher.  That's not it!

Once they captured Jesus, and Judas saw him condemened, Judas was overcome with emotions of remorse!  He returned the money to the chief priests and elders and repented for betraying his friend.  Lemme get some more Word, this is going to TRIP you out...

When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders. “I have sinned,” he said, “for I have betrayed innocent blood.”
“What is that to us?” they replied. “That’s your responsibility.”
So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.
What??? He hung himself!  You thought Judas would be happy with the money, but it was the exact opposite.  The shock of him hanging himself was enough, but what MOVED my Spirit to write about this...not now...but right the fact that chief priests and elders (who paid Judas in the first place) did NOT even Care!  They didn't care about him repenting.  They didn't care about his remorse.  They didn't care that He turned in a friend who was innocent.  They could care less!

The money was no longer something Judas could live with and I could tell at that point he didn't even care anymore.  That stirred up my Spirit...

"Whenever you exchange gain with evil, don't expect it to be blessed." Andrea Williams

You may feel blessed for a hot, temporary moment.  Oh, but the time is coming when you are faced with the remorse of what have I done?

You have not done anything that is so bad that will seperate you from the LOVE of Christ.  That is good news!  I have personally had a "remorse moment" of what have I done?  But God's great grace came in and SAVED me.  The Blood that Jesus shed that day came in and SAVED me.  The Blood of Jesus and God's Grace is saving you!

There is no Sinner Left Behind!

That's why I love this photo so much because it looks like Jesus is coming back to pick us up---the lost sheep! 

The only catch is that you have to want it.  You have to seek Him.  Your desire to know Jesus and trust Jesus is it...not how much you do (because you can't earn his love or grace).   You can't pay for it.  Jesus won't force it on you either, you have to want to draw closer to know Him.

Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. James 4:8 NIV

Don't say you trust Him and you don't.  Don't say you believe and keep speaking doubt.  Don't say you submit it all and as soon as trouble arises you forsake it.  Even if you have done this in the past, get back on track.  We have all had our faith shaken to the core at some point and time, God understands that.  Just get back on track and start trusting again.  Just repent and keep it moving.

Just wash your hands. :)

Well, I have shared some good news with you today my friends!  I have to go before the kids tear up the house. :)  Don't worry about yesterday...go forth with good intentions again today.  Don't let the LOVE of money consume your thoughts and take over your heart.  

1. Purify your hearts.  If you get off track, get back on the path.  If you feel lost, ask God to guide you.  If you been riding dirty for so long and don't know how, ask God to give you strength and expose you to new ways to follow Him. 
2.  Don't be double-minded.  Stop flip flopping with your faith.  Stand on the Word of God for your life.  I am so learning this one! 
3.  Money creates better experiences but it ain't got nothing to do with love.  So pray for the wisdom of God to be made fresh in your life.  Pray for the strength to do things God's way.  Before you know it, things will start to get a little easier with that money hustle.  Then the doors will start opening for you to hustle the money the right way and your heart will be in the right place.
4.  It ain't easy to change but God got you!  You landing on this page didn't you? :)  I'm here to stir up the desire to love God and use money for you and me!

I have heard Dieon Sanders beautiful testimony of how He gave His life over to Christ.   Our world is a money hungry world and we live in it.  I want it.  We want it.  We want to be "Successful."  We just need the right motives of serving instead of hoarding it for us.  So today's track is Drake in "Successful" the instrumental version.

Much love and dollar bills yall,


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