Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The BLOOD is Still Working and Healing Your Pain of Molestation & Rape

"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me." John 14:3 KJV

Have you ever been molested or raped?  It doesn't matter if you male or female, the pain is still so real for both.  

How many times did it occur in your life?  Did you know that person or person(s)?

Who on Earth wants to answer those type of questions about their life?  

But dear heart, you have to answer those questions.  Your Story.  Your Testimony.  Can't nobody tell it like you.  In fact you are courageous in this moment right now to even show up to a blog post like this one.  

The reason why I wanted you to look at those questions and answer them honestly is because you have been in a Fight...and it is literally the fight of your lifetime!

The Painful Memories vs. Your Awesome Future

One of the oldest tricks of the enemy is to keep you distracted to keep your from getting to your future.  The future is always better than your past.  The enemy don't want you to get what God has for you, so he reminds you of the pain.  The enemy ties up the emotions that he knows will HURT you the most to use them against you.  He doesn't fight fair because he is a devourer.  He is a coward. A thief. He is a nobody compared to the living Jesus that lives on the inside of you.

The most cowardly way to do this is tie up your mind, emotions, and break your heart even more from them memories.  The enemy wants to keep robbing you from having a healthy sex life, experience real love, and destroy your trust in mankind.

You wrestle with the fact that maybe they got away with it and they went on living their life.  You wrestle with the fact of why evil had to come your way and take advantage of you.  You wrestle with the fact with why your innocence was taken, why your trust was destroyed, and even worse why your faith has been tested to the breaking point.  

The devil is a lie. 


What does redeem mean?  I looked it up on google...

1. compensate for the faults or bad aspects of (something).
2. gain or regain possession of (something) in exchange for payment.

WOW!  JESUS paid it all to gain possession of you.  That's how much HE LOVES YOU!
So even when bad things happen, the Blood that was shed STILL has the power to heal all your wounds-physically, mentally, and spiritually.  It still works.  The Blood still has power.  

NO evil deed is any match for the Healing Power of The Blood of JESUS. 

We live in a fallen world.  Some people pervert it so much that it's sick and evil.  We can't comprehend how one can do anything like that but that's because we have a heart not to do that.  So we won't ever understand why people think they have the right to violate another person.  

But we are armed with the most Victorious Tools of all the world. 
  • The Blood of Jesus-who freely died for YOU and ME
  • A Redeemer Who Still Lives and LOVES You and Me
  • Therapists, Pastors, and Support Groups because iron sharpens iron.  We all need help sometimes.  
  • Scripture that could literally change our lives by the POWER in the Word
 I could go on and have to know that you ARE victorious.  You are walking in victory right now as we speak.  You are more than a conqueror.  You been through all that and you are still here!  GOD is not finished with you.  You still have work to do.  You still are precious in His Sight.  You are a Creation of the Most High God.  God makes no mistakes with His creations.  God has an awesome plan for your life.  Your best days are still ahead of you.  Your heart is redeemed.  You have been renewed.  You have been restored.  The pain of the past will NOT have you in bondage.  You love freely.  You make love to the one God created for you to be with.  You have joy within your soul.  You have peace of mind.  You carry no shame from your past.  All things are work together for the good.  Your story is a testimony that will free others.  Your pain is not in vain.  No tear is ever wasted.  All things are working for the good.  Thank God for the Blood.  You praise God because you have breakthrough.  God has an awesome future for you.  Don't you give up! 
Thank you Jesus for healing everyone reading this right now.  Thank you for giving them freedom from the painful memories.  Thank you Jesus for the freedom to love.  Thank you Jesus for the freedom to trust love again.  Thank you Jesus for the Healing that is taking place right now!  You better PRAISE HIM!!!

My favorite verse ever that is a Spoken Word for YOU!
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

1.  Get professional help if needed.  Ain't nothing wrong with help.  Even professionals need help on some things.  We all need help sometimes.  
2.  Get in your secret place and get in the presence of God.  This is SO powerful!  It can be a closet, the bathroom, or the bedroom...just invite His presence and watch how God speaks to your heart.
3.  Tell your story.  If you don't do it publicly, tell it to someone you know that been through what you been through.  Journal, journal, and journal so more.  It is truly therapy.
4.  Make declarations over your life DAILY.  Speak them out.  Believe.  Have Faith.  
5.  Grab some scriptures that speak to your situation.  All you have to do is Google it and so many will come up for that particular situation you are seeking God for.

"The Blood" ft. Zacardi Cortez - James Fortune & FIYA Live  Watch out now this video is super anointed! lol  Can't help but shout on this one.  Don't forget to support our artists for giving their all to us by picking up their work on itunes.

Much love, 


P.s. Let me know that you are more than a conqueror in the comments below!  Or you can write me with your testimony at

I am more than a conqueror! :)


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