Thursday, February 12, 2015

Why Do Things Keep Happening To Me? Where Is My Valentine? (The Questions Post)

I felt it so heavy on my spirit tonight to talk to those who have been through so much emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  So, if you are reading this right now, this is a perfect time for us to talk.

First, you must know that God wants you to have a life of ABUNDANCE for every part of your life.  There is no lack with God.  There is no lack of love, peace, joy, finances, provision, favor, healing, sound mind, sound emotions, and any other thing that you may be searching for tonight.


But Andrea, what if you have been searching for this Abundance your WHOLE life?
What if things always keep happening to me?  What if faith and abundance seems to work for everyone else but me?  What if I have been too hurt beyond repair-who is going to save me?  What if love never seems to work out for me?


Stop it.  In order for things to turn around in your life right now, you have to STOP going back to your past and laying down in it.

You have to stop making excuses for reasons why you can't love.  The excuses must stop for what you think you can't have.

All those who violated you on any level-physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally has NO MORE power over you.  Yes, I said no more power.  No matter who comes against you, they can't touch your soul.  Your spirit.  Your desire to live and be loved.  Your desire to be here.  GOD still has you here and you are important.  Your life is so valuable that God wants to restore your healing.  God wants your strength to shine through in order to be a witness to someone else looking for a way of healing too.  It's no over baby.  No.  You are still here.  You have a story to tell.  You have a voice.  A voice that desperately needs to be heard by the world.  You have a GOD ordained assignment here in the earth.  God loves taking the messed up and using their message to change the world-to heal the world.

If you are reading this and tears are coming to your eyes, I want you to know there is a place where you can go.  There is a strong tower in Jesus.  There is a friend in Jesus.  Don't be afraid to cry.  Don't be afraid to talk it out or walk it out with the Lord in your secret place.

Because everyone don't need to see all the scars of your soul, only God can heal that.

It's a private matter.  It's an intimate place of love and healing in the secret place.

Give your burden-no matter how many-over to God.  Do yall hear me tonight?

It's time you run back to the Savior who LOVES you so much to Live for you, Die for you, Shed His Blood for you, and Save you.


For the lonely, broken-hearted soul reading this right now who is WEARY of the love thing, don't give up on love.  God is love.  God wants you to experience love in ABUNDANCE.  Don't believe the lies of the enemy.  Don't let your past dictate what you are meant and desire to experience.

I can't imagine a God who is Love blocking Love from flowing in your life.   I just can't believe that.  Even though you may be alone right now, don't you give up on love.  Don't get upset and depressed about Valentine's Day.  You have a Valentine in the Lord. 

You have needs.  You have desires.  You have passions stored up in your soul for your special someone.  But trust and believe they are trying to get to you as bad you are trying to get to them.  Sometimes love takes time and Luther Vandross sang that so well in that song.  Sometimes love is a process of you getting your stuff together and him getting his act together.  You have to go through tests and pass.  You have to give up the ways you may have lived out in your earlier days of singlehood.  You have to give up childish things.

Love is sweet. It's complicated.  It's beautiful.  It's dramatic.  It's sacrifice.  It's compromise. It's process. It's to be treasured.  Love is to be valued.  Love is to be protected.   Love is peace.  Love is joy.  Love is all this-the good the bad.  The sad and the joy.  All of it is yours and his to mesh into one, so it can come forth as pure gold.  Valuable!  Precious in the sight of God.

Love operates and THRIVES on your faith.  It thrives on how much you love the LORD and how much you want to Honor God in that love.  That is the real right there.  That is so real.

So if you don't have a Valentine this year, don't worry.  Don't rush it.  Because the perfect, divine fit beats a forced fit any day of the week.

My birthday is on Valentine's Day, and even though I celebrate it, love should be celebrated EVERY day.  Love should be honored.  We should be grateful for love all the time, and not just on February 14th. (Happy Birthday to me! :) 

1.  Start speaking the promises of God over your life.  Your greater is ahead!  Your greater is for good from now own-just work on your mindset, your spirit man, and your relationship with God. Whenever you have negative thoughts or emotions, stop it right then before you start to meditate on it.  If you can't seem to breakthrough, ask the Lord to help you.  Lord God, I need help really bad right now.  I can't seem to get passed this pain, but I know that you are a healer of my heart.  Lead my steps.  Create in me a clean heart.  Thank you Jesus for a sound mind.  Amen  (Speak it and meditate on what God wants for your life)
2.  Start walking and breathing in victory-even if you don't have it yet.  God's Word won't return void.  God is not a man that He should lie.  God loves you and created you to be victorious!  Though he sleigh me, yet shall I trust him.  (Job 13:15)
3.   The Most important of all.  GOD DOES NOT WANT TO HURT YOU.  He doesn't ever want to Hurt you.  God is not mad at you, no matter how far down you have gone.  Everything God does is FOR your good.  So if a door closes, if you face rejection, God is protecting YOU.  God is not like man.  His thoughts are above our thoughts.  So no matter what you face, God's love is perfect.  Perfect love drives out fear. (I John 4:18)

I love yall!  Let me know in the comments what you will do to change your life around for the better.  You have the power!  The pain has no more power here.  The past has no more power.

Talk to you soon.  Your favorite Life Coach,

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