Saturday, February 14, 2015

Emotional Rollercoaster - How to Deal with Emotions...

Right to the heart of things...the Emotions.  They can take you to the highest of highs and lowest of lows.  Emotions can make you do things you never thought you would do.  They can make you show out in ways you never thought you would.  Of course, that never happened to you or me. :)

Have you ever ended up in the wrong bed before?
Have you ever drank or smoked something you never would have before, but emotions...
Have you ever threw things and cursed people out all because of the heights of your emotions.

It's ok.  It doesn't matter how spiritual and saved you are we all have had a moment, or two, or three.  The problem is that emotions shouldn't drive who we are.  Emotions shouldn't mold our character.  Emotions shouldn't continue to make bad decisions for us and after things have calmed we have to live down the mess that we made. 

The only thing about emotions is they make you unstable.  You can't stand on shaky ground. 

They make you trust people you shouldn't.  I can't tell you how many times I gave it all away and trusted a person only to find out I was leading with my emotions or flesh instead of discernment, wisdom, and the Holy Spirit.

The emotional roller coaster can break your heart in-to.  You feel isolated.  Alone.  Don't let that emotion have anything to do with love because you sure will show out no matter how much you try to control it. 

What if there was an easier way?  What if there was a way to control your emotions so you won't show out so bad?  What if there was a way that God could heal the pain or will you stay hurting forever?

There is a way!

You have to first decide to feel what you feel and be cool with that.  Walk through it...just don't stay there and tell the whole world about it.  Don't ever make important decisions in the midst.  You then have to decide that emotions come and go.  .

Get a pen and paper or your cell phone and take this scripture down...set the alarm for it to pop up and remind you everyday if you have too.

 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
              Psalm 23:6 NIV

No matter how you feeling tonight or the next night, you have to remember that EVERY day has purpose.  No matter if this your season to be in a valley or on the mountain top.  The Lord's goodness and love will follow you.

Nobody can touch that.  No circumstance can touch that.  Nothing can separate you from the Love that the Lord has for you.  Believe it or not, all things are working together if you are a believer.  The good, the bad, and the ugly.  Nothing can stop the plan and purpose God has for you-not even your emotions.


We underestimate what a friend we have in JESUS.  That's a song, but it's truth.

We forget that Jesus cares about our feelings and our tears.  He cares about the tenderness of our hearts.  He cares that our soul is healthy. So why are we so ashamed to talk to Him?  Why are we so ashamed to call on Him?

A true friend indeed who takes you as you are...messed up and emotional.  A true friend who loves you enough to change you for the better even if it hurts for a minute.

What I do know with every part of my being is that no tear is wasted.  No problem is too great that God doesn't provide a way of escape (I Corinthians 10:13).     No experience that has you on a emotional rollercoaster today will be wasted.  It will add up to work out the whole picture of your life-for your good.

So, hold on to that verse and know that God's goodness and love COVERS you all the days of your life.

1.  Let them do what they do.  Emotions are a human experience.  When you feel like you are spiraling out of control, you need to call on the LORD.
2.  Get in the Word to get Wisdom.  The more wisdom you seek the better you fine wine.  You begin to taste better and pour better.  You grow to be the person God called you to be.
3.  If you find yourself in the same jacked up situation over and over again, you have to question yourself.  You have to check yourself to see what is wrong.  God will reveal it to you especially if you are blinded by emotions.
4.  If you fail, Forgive yourself.  Pick yourself up and work towards doing better.  Baby step by baby step.  Before you know it, a year will pass.  You will look back over your life in awe at what the Lord has done!

Did this blog bless you?  Why don't you share the love.  Comment below and let me know that you are walking toward a change today.  I know I am!

Until the next post...your Favorite Life Coach,

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