Thursday, February 5, 2015

Sift the Wheat, Sift the Flour (Your Journey to Greatness!)

Sift the Wheat, Sift the Flour (Your Journey to Greatness!)

photo courtesy of

Yesterday, the Holy Spirit kept speaking the Words "Sifting Wheat."  I also became curious to why my Mom and Great Aunt would sift flour for the
things they were baking.  I'm like ok, what does that mean. lol  I have heard people preach about it
before but I couldn't recognize why so few words and what the meaning of it is...until now.  So, I go on a quest, a Google quest, to see what
sifting wheat means.  There are two powerful meanings that shocked me so that I wanted to share it with you!

The Reason for Sifting Wheat for the Bible:
"Trouble and trials do not equal sifting.  A sifting uses trouble as a catalyst to transform our hearts, refine our character, and draw us
closer to God."

The Reason for Sifting Flour per Baking:
"When a recipe calls for sifting flour together with other ingredients such as cocoa powder, leavening agents or salt-it is to help disperse
those ingredients into one mixture before adding them to a recipe."

WOW!  I'm so excited to write this post that I can hardly contain myself!

I look at the Biblical reason first.  They backed it up with Scripture about the time when Jesus disciple, Peter, denied that he knew Jesus
Christ three times.  Imagine someone is your leader or Pastor, and cares about you, and teaches you everything you
need to know that betters your life. You even rolled with this person, hung out with them, and had the utmost respect for them.
Then imagine you denying that you ever knew them when he needed you the most.  Peter denied that he knew Jesus 3 times!  Pretty shady. :) 

But God.

After the load of guilt Peter felt in his heart, he repented.  No one forced him to.  God doesn't force anyone.  Peter changed.  He became
better in character by asking for forgiveness with humility and a pure heart to make it right again.  That changed his character for good!
You can read the denying of Christ by Peter in John 18:15-27

It just goes to show how me may not like the sifting, but it is so necessary in order for us to do what God calls us to do.  It's a necessity for
our lives to become better-more like Christ.  That is the goal.  It's amazing to me how powerful that is!  Because I didn't realize it taking
place in my own life.  But the more I heard this word in my ear, the more I sought God for the answer, the clearer it became.  I have been
shedding layers upon layers of me that I don't need to go into the next dimension God has for me.  I don't need some of the junk that I have been
carrying for years, physically, mentally, or spiritually. 

God cares and loves you so much that He won't let you stay the same.  You are meant for better, greater, and faith to faith.  You are meant to
experience increase and abundance.  Our God is an abundant God.  Not just money, but love, joy, a sound mind, and peace.  (2 Timothy 1:7)

Now for the baking reason.  I love this explanation for sifting too.  It just goes to show that God uses ALL ingredients to make an amazing
cake.  God uses ALL parts of your life to make an amazing you-even better!  The sweetness and bitterness of cocoa powder is needed.  The salt is
needed to be salt in the earth.  I actually looked up the definition of leavening agents:
substance causing expansion of doughs and batters by the release of gases within such mixtures, producing baked products with porous structure.
Such agents include air, steam, yeast, baking powder, and baking soda.

The words that stuck out to me in this definition are "expansion" and "porous."  Which is EXACTLY what's going on with you and me!  If you want
better for you life, you have to expand.  If you want more wisdom and more faith, you have to expand!  You have to be smooth enough to pour. 
You have to be well blended, and on the rise, to make this thing work.  We are meant to grow and change-move from faith to faith.  So every
bad relationship you ever encountered may be the gas needed to rise. lol  Every good thing in your life, every boring thing in your life-all
things are working together for your good. 


No matter what situation you are in right now, please keep the faith and know that the layers that you don't need are sifting the way out of your
life.  That is prophetic word right there!  Some of us are being sifted in relationships.  Some of us are being sifted in jobs/careers.  Some of
us are being sifted in our health.  Some of us are being sifted to find purpose.  Don't despise it no matter how bad it may feel, because you are
on your way to God's greatness for your life!

The ultimate goal is to be sifted to know Jesus and a closer relationship with God.  So powerful!

Love Your Favorite Life Coach,

Andrea "g" Williams

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